

Why should preteens receive the HPV vaccine before entering their sexually active years?

Health experts recommend the HPV vaccine for males and females before they reach age 15 because their immune response to the vaccine will be stronger. When a person is young and not sexually active, it is the best time to receive the HPV vaccine to build a strong defense against the virus. A preteen and young teen only needs to get two shots of the HPV vaccine or three shots after age 15.

Remember that the HPV vaccine is less effective on people who have already contracted HPV in the past. That is why it is better to get it as early as possible.

Are there any side effects to getting the HPV vaccine?

Some people may experience minor side effects, such as temporary swelling, pain, and dizziness. But these are common side effects associated with getting any type of shot and will dissipate quickly.

The HPV vaccine has been deemed safe and effective for the health of males and females.

Can HPV be cured?

There is no medical cure for HPV. The HPV vaccine, wearing protection when having sexual activities, along with a strong immune system built with proper diet, sleep, and the mushroom compound AHCC along with preventative HPV supplements are the best defenses against HPV.

Is there an HPV test for women?

Yes, an HPV test is available for women. Health experts recommend women 30 and older get tested for HPV every five years. They should also receive the Pap test every five years around the same time as the HPV test. But if a woman chooses not to get the HPV test, they should at least receive a Pap test every three years.

Is there an HPV test for men?

No, there is no official HPV test for men. However, health experts recommend anal cancer screenings for gay or HIV-positive men with HPV infections because anal cancer is often linked to men in these two groups.

Does an HPV infection cause any symptoms?

Some HPV strains cause anal warts and genital warts. However, most HPV strains don’t cause any symptoms.

Is there an age limit for getting the HPV vaccine?

The generally recommended age range for the HPV vaccine is 11 to 45 for males and females. Adults over 46 do not usually need to get the vaccine.

What kind of cancers can men get from an HPV infection?

Some of the potential cancers include anal cancer, penile cancer, and throat cancer.

What kind of cancers can women get from an HPV infection?

Some of the potential cancers include cervical cancer, vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, tongue cancer, anal cancer, and tonsil cancer.

Which HPV types cause cancer the most?

Around 150 different HPV types exist. However, about 12 HPV types are considered to be “high-risk.” Out of those 12 HPV types, the two which most commonly cause cancer are HPV Type 16 and HPV Type 18. They can potentially cause cancer of the vagina, vulva, penis, cervix