
Estogen and Vaginal Dryness

A drop in estrogen is the root cause of atrophic vaginitis.

Estrogen maintains the health and lubrication of the vaginal tissues. The vaginal lining often produces a clear lubricating fluid. The comfort of sexual contact is increased by this fluid. Additionally, it lessens vaginal dryness.

The tissues of the vagina atrophy and thin if estrogen levels fall. Dryness and irritation are the results of this

Following menopause, estrogen levels often decrease. Estrogen levels could potentially fall as a result of the following:

  • Drugs or hormones used to treat infertility, endometriosis, fibroids, or breast cancer
  • Ovaries’ removal with surgery
  • Radiation therapy for the pelvic region
  • Chemotherapy
  • Major depression and stress
  • Smoking

Some women have this issue immediately following childbirth or during nursing. At certain periods, estrogen levels are lower.

Additionally irritating the vagina are soaps, laundry detergents, lotions, perfumes, and douches. Vaginal dryness can also be brought on or made worse by using condoms, tampons, smoking, and some medications.


These signs include:

  • Urination causes burning
  • Minimal bleeding following sex
  • Painful sex encounters
  • Minimal vaginal leaking
  • Burning, itching, or pain in the vagina

Exams and Tests

The walls of the vagina are thin, pale, or red, and can according to a pelvic exam. To rule out further conditions that could be causing your vaginal discharge, it might be tested. To determine whether you are experiencing menopause, you can also undergo hormone-level tests.


Vaginal dryness can be treated in a variety of ways. A healthcare professional must identify the root of the issue before addressing your symptoms on your own.

  • Try using lubricants and moisturizers that moisturize the vaginal area. They frequently apply moisture to the area for up to a day. These can be purchased over the counter.
  • Using water-soluble vaginal lubrication while having sex may be beneficial. Condoms made of latex or their diaphragms may become harmed by products containing petroleum jelly, mineral oil, or other oils.
  • Steer clear of scented soaps, lotions, douches, or perfumes.

Atrophic vaginitis can be successfully treated with prescription estrogen. It can be purchased as a ring, cream, tablet, or suppository. These are all inserted right into the vagina. These drugs directly provide estrogen to the vaginal region. Only a small amount of estrogen is taken up by the bloodstream. Your risk of getting a urinary tract infection may be decreased by using topical vaginal estrogen. If you have a history of recurrent urinary tract infections, this is especially true.

If you experience hot flashes or other menopause symptoms, you can take estrogen (hormone therapy) by way of a skin patch or a pill. It’s possible that the patch or tablet won’t deliver enough estrogen to alleviate your vaginal dryness. You might also need to add a vaginal hormone supplement in such circumstances. If so, discuss this with your physician.

With your healthcare practitioner, go about the advantages and disadvantages of estrogen replacement therapy.

Outlook (Prognosis)

Most of the time, effective treatment will reduce symptoms.

Possible Complications

Virilization can:

  • Increase your risk of developing bacterial or yeast vaginal infections.
  • Crack or cause ulcers in the vaginal wall.
  • Inflict pain during sexual activity, which might have an impact on your connection with your spouse or partner. (Open communication with your spouse may be helpful.
  • Raise the possibility of getting urinary tract infections (UTIs). There are natural treatments for UTIs.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

If you have burning, itching, or painful sex that does not go away after using a water-soluble lubricant, speak to your doctor right once.