
Top 6 Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis differs from a sexually transmitted disease like trichomoniasis or a yeast infection because it is not a disease or an infection. Instead, the condition occurs when good and bad bacteria are imbalanced in the vagina.

Most women do not think about their vaginas when they are healthy. But when signs of a bacterial infection like bacterial vaginosis become noticeable, they are difficult to ignore. The symptoms include gray or white vaginal discharge and a fish-like vaginal odor. More unusual symptoms may include itching and inflammation.

The Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis

A healthy vagina has a small amount of the bad bacteria that form bacterial vaginosis, but the good bacteria prevent it from developing. However, more bad bacteria than good bacteria will increase the likelihood of bacterial vaginosis.

Here are the top six causes of increased bad bacteria in the vagina:

1) Sexual Intercourse 

Male semen creates an imbalance in vaginal pH levels during sexual intercourse. This causes more harmful bacteria to grow.

2) Douching

Cleaning the inside of the vagina with vinegar or other harsh ingredients can destroy the good bacteria in it. Once that happens, the risk of infection rises.

3) Poor or Unusual Diet

A poor nutritional diet or a drastic change in a diet can upset the normal bacterial balance in the gastrointestinal tract.

4) Tight Pants 

Women like to wear tight nylon underwear or yoga pants for workouts and exercise. The only problem is these outfits don’t allow air to reach the vaginal skin because the fabric prevents air from getting through. Because of this, bad bacteria can easily grow.

5) Scented Antibacterial Soaps 

Any antibacterial soaps with ingredients containing scents and perfumes will increase bad bacterial growth.

6) Sweating

Working out causes a woman to sweat and soak her clothes. Wet clothes create an environment for bad bacteria to grow.

Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis

There are some simple home remedies for treating bacterial vaginosis that you might see online such boric acid suppositories. Medical research has confirmed the effectiveness of boric acid treating bacterial vaginosis but make sure it’s from a quality company.

The best thing to do is visit a gynecologist or primary care doctor if you suspect that you have bacterial vaginosis. They can offer the best treatment options for dealing with the symptoms and overcoming the condition.