The formation of genital warts results from a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Not all HPV strains cause genital warts, but some of them do. You can contract these HPV strains from having intimate skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. It doesn’t necessarily have to be penetrative vaginal or anal sexual contact. Skin contact is all it takes to transmit the virus.
An HPV-infected woman has a 70% chance of infecting her partner with HPV. But the woman and her partner may not even realize they have infections because most HPV strains do not cause symptoms.
Certain low-risk HPV infections will cause some symptoms, such as clusters of cauliflower-like warts on the infected area. Genital warts usually form on the genitals or anus due to the transmission of low-risk HPV strains from sex.
You may not feel the genital warts when you touch them. But if you irritate the warts, they could potentially bleed or itch. So, the best thing to do is consult your primary care physician for treatment.
Health Issues Linked to Genital Warts
The genital warts are not life-threatening but can cause pain and itchiness. Infected pregnant women going through hormonal changes may notice their genital warts bleed and grow larger. Fortunately, in most cases, they can still deliver their babies without needing a Cesarean section.
Outbreaks that stop could indicate the virus is dormant, which means the outbreaks could return later. Sometimes you won’t notice the warts if they are somewhere you cannot see on the outside clearly, such as the cervix. Only a physical exam can detect warts on the cervix.
Seek HPV Testing and Treatment
Make an appointment with your doctor for a physical examination and pap smear to look for genital warts on the vagina and cervix. If the doctor detects a mild case of warts, they can recommend a topical medication to limit their growth and itchiness. Eventually, the warts should go away on their own due to dormancy.
Other ways of removing warts include burning or freezing them off. However, these methods are more suitable for extreme cases of genital wart growth. But even if you remove them this way, the warts can still grow back again.
The best thing to do is live a healthy lifestyle. For instance, get your HPV vaccine and maintain a healthy diet to strengthen your immune system. A robust immune system is the best weapon against HPV and genital warts.
Consider consuming foods and supplements with nutrients like Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Zinc, and Selenium. There is an excellent HPV multivitamin called HPD Rx ONE with many of the ingredients needed to build your immune system. They will immensely stimulate and boost your immune system to fight viruses like